Dr. Kien Vuu | 7 Keys to Achieving Optimal Health and Longevity From the Author of Thrive State

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You might find this episode surprisingly helpful if you’re experiencing symptoms or feel something’s not right in your life. Dial in as Dr. Kien Vuu shares how positive emotions can help you overcome diseases, plus a practical technique to improve your response to negative stimuli.

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • The importance of discovering who you are and what you need

  • The areas on your life you need to work on

  • How negative and positive feelings impact your health

  • 4 techniques to stay grounded during negative situations

  • 2 things you can do to support your mental health during fall season

Disclaimer: All of the information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and they are not medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or qualified health professional for any recommendations specific to you or for any questions regarding your specific health, your sleep patterns, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode


About Dr. Kien Vuu

Dr. Kien Vuu, popularly known as Doctor V -  is one of the most sought-after anti-aging physicians in the country. At his VuuMD Longevity and Performance Clinic, Dr. Vuu regularly works with celebrities, top corporate executives, and high-functioning professionals to optimize their health, performance, and vitality. He’s also a health media personality, appearing on national TV shows such as The Doctors and Access Hollywood, and helps to train the next generation of physicians as assistant professor of health sciences at UCLA. As someone who has overcome two chronic diseases himself, Dr. Vuu is passionate about empowering people to reclaim their health and live with fulfillment, abundance, and purpose. 

Dr. Kien Vuu released his book “Thrive State” on April 6, 2021. At the heart of Thrive State is a time-tested approach to achieve optimal cellular longevity and performance. You will learn all aspects of Dr. V's BioEnergetic Model - a scientific, yet practical framework for being free of chronic disease, having optimal physical, emotional, mental, sexual performance, and extending healthspan.

Connect with Dr. Vuu

Visit www.kienvuu.com/accelerator and use code “PODCAST25” to obtain 25% OFF from Thrive State Accelerator Program.


About Rishi Tea & Sparkling Botanicals

Milwaukee-based Rishi Tea was founded nearly 25 years ago on the commitment to set the standard for quality tea and expand the awareness of its rich history. Rishi offers premium tea and botanicals imported directly from gardens across the world from Chile to Japan and Taiwan—drawing inspiration from ancient artisanal practices that use organic cultivation techniques as well as modern culinary innovation. In addition, Rishi recently launched Sparkling Botanicals—a line of light and refreshing functional beverages crafted with imported fruits, spices and herbs from partners around the globe with innovative flavors like Schisandra Berry, Turmeric Saffron and Black Lemon.

Connect with Rishi Tea & Sparkling Botanicals

To obtain 25% off from Rishi Tea and Sparkling Botanicals, visit their website at www.sparkling-botanicals.com and www.rishi-tea.com and use promo code LiveGreatly. 

This promo code is valid until 12/31/2021.


If you are struggling with feeling overworked or overwhelmed, access the Top 10 Stress Management Tips for the Overworked free right now. 

Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people awaken to their ultimate potential.  She is a wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, Physician Assistant, & Reiki Master with the goal of empowering others to live their best lives!

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Episode Transcript

Dr. Kien (Teaser)

The feelings of anger hates resentment, fear will definitely make any disease, state worse. In fact, potentially you had some of those feelings that help feed some of that disease state, because those emotions of anger, hate, resentment, fear. It brings up stress hormones.

Kristel (Guest Intro)

If you're looking to feel your best and truly thrive.

You're going to learn a ton from today's episode with Dr. Kien Vuu. Dr. Vuu is an anti-aging physician, and he's also the author of Thrive State, Your blueprint for optimal health, Longevity, and Peak performance. He's been on the doctors access Hollywood, and he's really going to so much knowledge today about his own personal journey, where he's overcome chronic disease and also what he's learned throughout his training and practice.

I am so excited about this episode. Let's go ahead and welcome Dr. Kien Vuu to the show.

Dr. Kienn:

I am really stoked to be here. I mean, we shared a couple minutes just rambling, uh, with each other, and I feel like we are kindred spirits and I'm really, really, really stoked about our conversation.


Yes. I know. I was like, oh my gosh, we've got to get started.

I don't want to keep you for too long. Cause we've been chatting already for a while, but I I'm so excited. And I'm hoping to start that you could just introduce yourself, you know, let everyone know a little bit about you and what you're currently at. 

Dr. Kien:

Oh, it sounds great. So I am a traditionally trained medical doctor, so I got trained in the field of interventional radiology and for people in the audience that don't know what that is to get a go to medical school for it for years, do a diagnostic radiology residency, and then an interventional radio fellowship and what an interventional radiologist does is he could pierce inside the body or he, or she could pierce inside the body with x-ray machines, CT scans, ultrasound, and see what disease looks like inside. But more than that, our minimally invasive surgeon that uses those technologies to help cure, you know, to help with disease.

I wouldn't say cure disease. We were able to put very high advanced technology treatments and putting in a very, very small bandaid. And about five years ago, you know, I've reached a really good point in my career. You know, I bought a fancy house, fancy car. I was flying around the world, speaking of the advances in interventional radiology.

But at that point I find myself overweight, diabetic, hypertensive. I mean, I was on several prescription medications and I told myself at that point, how can. How can I be somebody treating this end stage disease when I started to get disease myself. And one of the things that I realized at that point was in medical school.

I didn't really learn how to be. Well, I didn't learn how to be healthy. We've learned all these medications that throw at people and Uh, surgeries that we can perform on people once they get to the point where their disease has gotten so bad, but I already started to get the early stages of it. And I didn't want to believe that I was subjected to that for the rest of my life.

And I knew I needed to take a very, very deep dive. And so. At that point, I stepped away from full-time interventional radiology, and I did a lot of soul searching and I studied nutrition, studied epigenetics. I did a fellowship in anti-aging and regenerative medicine, and I started to put together the, really, the framework that I use to help treat people now.

And one of the things I started to understand was I didn't apply. I didn't apply the things that I needed to be well. And when I did, I was able to reverse all those things in four to six months. And so this is why I'm so excited to share that message that we are really in control of our health and our health destiny.

And we are our best medicine. 


That's incredible. I love that you are able to take a step back and pivot. And I think that that is a really challenging thing for people to do, especiall you know, if you invested so much of your time into this field, and like you said, you got the house you're traveling, you know, you got the credibility and to be able to really get a bird's eye view and say, okay, something's not working here.

And you were able to pivot and reclaim your health. So I would love to hear. How you did that. You wrote a book called Thrive state, and we were chatting a bit about that before we started recording. So I'm sure you go into that in the book, but what are some of the highlights that the listener has to know? For their own wellness journey.

Dr. Kien:

If we're all great. Great, great question. I like to tell people, and a lot of my clients actually fall in the same category. The Dalai Lama has a quote and he said, what do you find most interesting about humanity said, man, because he would sacrifice his health in order to make money.

And then sacrifice this money to recuperate his health. And I feel that that's such a resonant message that we all share, and it was personally my message as well. And I actually had to go back and dig deep into how I ended up in that place. I was actually a refugee from Vietnam was born a couple of years after the Vietnam war.

And we escaped by boat. My parents took me when it was just a few months old into this refugee boat that was crammed with 2000 of the refugees. And we spent eight months on that boat and then another three months in the Philippine refugee camp. Yeah. And I came to America when I was two years old and one would think I was the only surviving infant in that journey.

What would think I would grow a feeling very, very grateful, but that wasn't the case. I was when I came here very soon after I got tested as highly gifted. So I got bused to a more affluent area for school. I was actually raised in a poor immigrant neighborhood in Chinatown, Los Angeles. And when I was there, I was constantly being teased for the holes in my hand me down clothes, the stinky food, my mom, you know, maybe take to school, you know, people call me chinky, go back to your home country. I got all of that. 

And, and all that stuff really stuck with me. Yeah. It left me with the feeling that I'm not enough in my own skin, that I was not worthy, that, you know, I always constantly felt like I needed to be someone I was not, I needed to be someone smarter, taller, wider, more American. 

And that feeling of not being enough, if you carry that energy, that is really in dissonance with what we're really, I have a seven month old right now and she is just perfect. And she's just perfect as is. And I look at her and there's so much healing because when I look at her and say, you don't need to be more than who you are, but if we carry that energy, we take in the programming that society has, whether it be from our parents, from the friends we have at school, or from messages from social media saying that who you are is not enough.

You're going to create some, some dissonant energy in your body. And then at that point that actually brings up the stress response in your body. And when you're feeling that stress, that unease, you might lead to habits of not sleeping well, not eating well, potentially other people pick up smoking or drugs or some other thing.

And if your life is not aligned with what your DNA is telling you, you should live your life. You're going to get disease. So disease is just what's happening. Our DNA gives us the exact blueprint of what we need to achieve. Optimal health, longevity, and peak performance. I see it in my daughter. She already knows the things that make her happy.

The only thing that gets her upset is if she's bloated or if she's got a big poop, she's hungry. But other than that, she's got the state of joy. And when I started to dive in what I was doing was not living in a lifestyle and not creating an energetic environment for my DNA to thrive. And that was what I had discovered when I started to study nutrition, epigenetic, spiritual energies.

Our DNA is constantly listening to the energy that's surrounding ourselves and the seven main things that people need to do to control that cellular environment and energy, our sleep, nutrition, movement, stress, and emotional mastery, our mindset and thoughts, our relationships and purpose. That's the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies that our DNA is constantly eliciting to moment by moment.

And it's our DNA interacting with that energy that gives us either the ability to, to thrive, which I call the thrive state, which will put us in the state of optimal health, longevity, and peak performance. But if it's not, if you're not giving yourself that energy, your cell is going to figure in danger, that's going to increase inflammation in your body.

That's going to decrease the immunity in your body. That's puts you prone to get chronic symptoms and chronic disease. And when I discovered that and started to realign my life would what I was really, really meant to be, be a more authentic version of myself, be the human I was meant to be all those things fell into place and my disease just went away.


I love that and I there's so much to unpack there.

I'm trying to decide where I want to go with this, but your one thing that you were talking about resonated with me and uring my training, my integrative medicine training. I remember it said like we have a disease management system here. And that was one of the reasons I think when I was just practicing and more westernized medicine, hospital-based medicine.

It didn't feel as nourishing and fulfilling, like at a soul level. For me, I felt like there was something missing and I felt like there was more. And when I would see people that were struggling, like I wanted to give them more, I wanted them to find more. And that was what I think I was searching for started to explore integrative medicine and functional medicine and spirituality and all of the rest of it. 

And it sounds, it reminds me, and in certain ways of your journey and for someone listening, how would you suggest that they can get started with this? Because I think a big part for me was discovering who I was like you had mentioned before, you know, you kind of were trying to figure that out. 

And I think we all are to some extent, because we, you know, you're exposed to a lot of fear-based messaging in the world you're exposed to other people's beliefs, you're exposed to kids teasing you, and you're growing up telling you things about yourself that maybe you internalize that aren't even true.

We all have these things from one place or another. So how can someone go really about figuring out who they are, what they need to thrive. That's a great question. And, you know, I think, you know, sometimes life kind of gives us these struggles only so that we can go overcome it. You know, rom DAS has a quote, artists struggled is really the sandpaper for our awakening.

So if you feel in your life right now that something's just not right, and you're not tapping into states of joy, connection, gratitude, those positive emotional states. If you're not. Or say, you've got some symptoms. Maybe you've got some brain fog, fatigue, bloating, some skin issues. One don't take that and be angry because your body is actually giving you a gift.

It's a signal. The symptoms are, aren't something that says, okay, something bad's about to happen. Those symptoms are your body's way of saying, you know what? Something's not quite right yet. So use that as an opportunity to start figuring out what the answers are. And I think a great way to start and, you know, yes, I am going to plug my boat, but if we, when you look at, when you start to read the book, thrive state, you'll start to understand that within our DNA, we've got these things called telomeres, right? Telomeres of what keeps ourselves from aging. 

There are basically the caps at the end of our DNA and this kind of shorten with, with each cell division. The thing is there are certain things that we do that actually shortens our DNA, our telomeres more.

There's also another part of our DNA. That's the stress response. There's something called the conserved transcriptional response to adversity. And what happens is when you turn on that gene bundle, it actually increases inflammation and, uh, decreases the immunity in our body. So within our DNA. There's actually things that are telling it that if you act a certain way, you can, uh, promote goodness for, for the seller.

You don't have to certain way that might lead to, you know, disease. So if you read thrive state, you'll start to understand that there's those seven things. If you work on those seven things first and what are they, again, sleep nutrition, movement, stress, and emotional mastery, our thoughts, mindset, relationships, and purpose.

And if you start to do an audit of these areas in your life and you say, oh my God, I definitely am not sleeping. Well, I'm not moving. There are toxic people in my life. I don't feel like I'm up, I'm in touch with something greater than myself. Those might be clues too, as to where to start and I always say sometimes if you do read my book and you're like, wow, there's seven things.

And within these seven things, there are all these different things I could do. It could be overwhelming. Here's a cool and neat thing is like all these things that I mentioned are all energetically connected. And if you work on improving them in one area, you're going to shift the energy around yourselves that make it easier to take on other things.

So if you feel like your life is out of alignment, you know, just take a look at those seven areas in your life. Which, where can you use improvement? And then the next thing is, what's the easiest thing. What's the easiest thing. The thing with the lowest barrier to entry, the, the lowest lying fruit for you to change.

Because if you should shift that you to start to shift the energy in your body and it's, and again, once that there's that energy shift, it makes it very, very easy to do something else into your life. 

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That's great. And I'm thinking about people who have maybe gotten a diagnosis they haven't wanted to hear, or they've been told from the medical system, you have this and they've internalized this problem and made it potentially part of their identity.

So whether it's a physical disease, a chronic disease, whether it's a mental health struggle, whatever that may be. I'm wondering what thoughts you have on reframing that, because what I really liked that you said before was a symptom like don't get angry. Just take it as feedback. And I think this is something that's really lacking in the westernized medical system, because a lot of people tend to give their power away if they're given a diagnosis.

And it's it's, I don't think that helps the situation. It's it shouldn't be an empowering the person to reclaim their health. So sometimes they think just reframing that can be game-changing for people. So I would just love to talk a little bit about that subject.

Dr. Kien:

Absolutely. What I could definitely say right now is the feelings of anger, hate, resentment, fear will definitely make any disease state worse.

In fact, potentially you had some of those feelings that help feed some of that disease state because those emotions of anger, hate, resentment, fear. It brings up stress hormones. And when your body is feeling that stress eating that negative energy, what will happen is inflammation will increase your immune system decreases.

You need that to fight whatever system that that's happening, your body's actually diverting energy for healing to counteract that there might be a saber tooth tiger behind you when there really isn't. So you're diverting all that energy that your body could be used for growth and healing into inflammation and a decrease in your immune system.

So things will get worse. Do we know that the feelings of love, of gratitude and connections are anti-aging medicines. Yes. It actually decreases cortisol in your body. And it actually has a lot of healing properties to that. It's actually anti-aging medicines. I think there'll be more data later on that actually proves that those positive emotional states will be healing.

We're not quite there yet. I don't want to say, get into a state of gratitude and it will heal you. But I would say that the patients that I know that have gone through a chronic illness or disease, once they started to shift some of those emotional states will have this really miraculous kind of remission of what they were dealing with.

A reframe I feel is so important at the very, very least. You're not driving your disease, state worse, but I do in my heart believe, and again, this just comes from me that if we could start to shift into those positive emotional states, that is going to be healing, that's going to help with your symptoms.


Right. And right now in the world, there's a lot going on. People are under an extreme amount of stress. Anxiety is prevalent. Mental health struggles are on the rise, you know? So what are some things that you do personally, to support yourself during the chaos that's going on around you and something I've been personally trying to do is.

Stay grounded in myself and in who I want to be and set clear intentions for how I want to show up in the world so that I can go into the world and stuff's going to be happening. You can't stop it, but that, I feel like I can come back to that inner balance and it takes effort and it doesn't always work.

And sometimes I don't feel that inner balance, but I have a practice. I know I can come back to it and it can help get me there. So I'm curious what you do for that?

Dr. Kien:

Yeah. So let me just throw a few things I do. Number one, I feel that breath work is something that is really, really powerful. I mean, people could YouTube, it there's a lot of free teachings on it, but basically what it does.

Is, if you do it for 15, 20 minutes at a time, you actually start to activate your vagus nerve. And that actually puts you more in a parasympathetic state and whatever you were thinking, you know, whatever things that are driving the fear or the stress will start to slow down with it. Uh, so breath work is something that I do.

Journaling is a great process of just getting stuff out of your head and onto a piece of paper so that it's not circling around in your head. Right. So you could actually see it. And then there's this technique I talk about. You know, the Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl said something that was, that just stuck with me.

I mean, here, he was seeing his friends die. People doing really cruel things to them, you know, back in the Holocaust, but he says between stimulus and response there's space and in that space is our power to choose a response. And in our response lies our growth and freedom. So what he's basically saying there is that anything that's happening on the outside world, we can always pause.

We can always pause and rather than react to that, we can choose how we show up. So I have this thing where if you've got a craving or you're fighting with your spouse, or, you know, you've got these negative things that would normally puts you in to do this negative behavior. Pause for a sec. Second, take 10 deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth.

When you take those 10 deep breaths. What you doing is again, you're activating your vagus nerve and that craving that anger or that negative stimulus. You calm that down. And in that space that he talks about, I do this thing called act which is Awareness choice and take action. So the awareness. Oh my God. Okay.

There's that craving again? Okay. Am I really hungry right now? Or am I not, or, Hey, I'm angry right now. Why is this coming up? Oh, because she might, he or she might be triggering that not enoughness I'm having inside. Okay. You have that aware. Choice is to then decide, okay. In this moment, right now with the pandemic happening right now with my bank account, like this coming down.

Well, I really let that dictate how I feel right now, or can I decide, or can I have the intention that I still, I want to show up with love with joy, with gratitude, and then finally take action from that new, emotional state now. All right, honey. I'm sorry. I was triggered. I do want to show up with love right now, the more and more we do that, we take those circumstances.

That might be happening to us and then deciding in that moment, how we want to show up and we start to rewire new ways, that kind of handle situations. So I use that technique over and over and over. I wonder the last thing that I do, which is pretty cool is there's a famous quote by Byron Katie that Tony Robbins also uses.

Uh, she says life is simple. Things are not happening to us. They're happening for us. And whenever I can think that here's the thing I had diabetes, I was overweight. I was hyper hypertensive as a doctor. What moment in my life? I was thinking, man, how is this happening to me? I'm a doctor. And how could I be a legit person?

But looking back now, having overcome that. And the person I've become in overcoming that I now have a gift that I can share. So that struggle has really given me something. Now, what if right now, if you happen to be struggling, you have, you can take the retrospectoscope and you don't have to wait five years or 10 years until you finally get it.

Ask yourself in the moment. How is this happening for you? And not to you, you know, last year I had a very similar experience where it was just shortly after everything closed down in the country and my bank account went like, you know, my savings, all the crap. And then I wasn't sure, you know, certain clients say, Hey, you know, I can't be with you anymore.

I was thinking, how is this happening for me? Or, yeah, how has this happened? And at that point, my partner at the time, who's now my fiance, you know, her industry shut down and she basically moved in with her seven-year-old daughter. And I had sold my house and this is not right neighborhood that I moved in.

And I was like, thinking, man, this really feels like, you know, I'm this author that is about to release the book, thrive. See, I don't feel like I'm thriving, but what it allowed me to have was time. To really connect with my partner a time to really be there for my now bonus daughter. And we actually created a daughter, you know, ourself who was born in January and it really kind of brought us together, you know, more so than, than we would ever had if we were out, out there, busy working.

So I look back at that experience and said, man this really brought me into a state of opening up my heart that I would, that I never had before. And that's really, really powerful. And so I look back at that point, the time for me to stay in the woe is me, or I'm a victim has shortened. And if we can just, you know, try to reframe those things as how is this thing happening for me?

We could see that now because five, 10 years from now, I'm pretty sure everybody will look at their struggle and say, you know, that struggle made me who I am today. That struggle has made me stronger. So rather than BB and it for a long period of time, you could ask yourself right now, how is this happening for me right now? And you can start to reframe that. Now you can start to create this new version of yourself and you can live into.


Right. I love that. And that's something that everyone can can do in this moment. If there's an area in your life where you have felt restricted, it's how can you reframe that? And how can you see what you've learned from it?

And I know you mentioned Victor Frankel and I've listened to his stuff and I share that like awful. Um, the messages that he's shared. So that was incredible. And I do want to touch on just a little bit of how we're getting into fall season, little bit less sunlight, people may or may not be outside and outdoors as much.

And, you know, as a clinician, Yeah. You know how that can impact mental wellbeing. And some people can have a little dip in mood in the winter and with less sunlight exposure. So what suggestions you have for people heading into this fall slash winter season, how they can support their minds and bodies.

Dr. Kien:

Oh, that's a great question.

Well, I fortunately live in Los Angeles, so we have a little bit more sunshine, but for the people who aren't fortunate to have that there were actually some things that you can buy on Amazon, that there are actually some, some lights that you can use that actually give you some. That actually boosts serotonin in your body.

So you're going to get some artificial light that will do that. And I think another thing that's very helpful is sometimes we're still dealing with the pandemic and there are probably some things that people used to be able to do that they can't do now find out some other ways to be able to celebrate.

I mean, having connection is still very important right now. So whether you do it by zoom or you're doing it in person, start to create maybe some new things to be able to celebrate around. Some new traditions that allow you to have some connection and some extra fun. It can be very difficult that the things that we used to be able to do, we can't really do that much anymore, but it's so important to be creative and to come up with ways to continue to connect with people.


Totally agree. Those are great suggestions. I would also add too, to think about getting your vitamin D level checked as we get. Colder weather. And I know that's always something that I, I don't take any vitamin D in the summer cause I'm outside all the time, but then I do cause I've been on the low end in the winter.

Cause here in the Chicago land area, we get some hardcore winters. 

Dr. Kien:

It's the strangest thing. And I probably have to do a little bit more digging into it, but when I test most patient vitamin D levels, it doesn't matter whether you're you live in a sunny area or not. I find them chronically low. And so I finally been, I'm replacing vitamin D with a lot of people.


Interesting. So we are getting towards the end here, and I am going to do a quick lightning round where I ask you a couple of quick questions, but before we do that, anything else you want to share? I will put a link to your book in the episode details. So people want to learn more, they can check that out, but any thing else that we haven't covered that you feel like is really important to get out of.

Dr. Kien:

Yeah, well, I mean, at the end of the day, I want you to people that just know that you are your best medicine and it's not any doctor it's you it's your body. And when you can figure out who you are, you step into the life you were meant to live. Man, you are going to be blessed with optimal health, longevity and peak performance.

Get the book at thrive, state book.com. If you want to find out more information, I'm just about to release a course and you people can find out more about that at the end VU. K I N D. Dot com and for your listeners, I'll give a coupon code. If you use the code podcast 25, you'll get 25% off the, uh, the course.


Sweet. Okay. I'll make sure to have a, my team put that in the episode details too. Cool. Well then let's jump into the wellness lightning round. Are you ready to go? 

Dr. Kien:

Okay, we're ready. 


So, first question is what is a book that you've read recently that you really, really enjoyed that you'd like to share?

There's a book called lunch by Matt. Is it Matt Walker? Jeff Walker. And it's not a personal development book. It's actually a marketing book, but why is that so important. One, I think if you've got an important message out there, you can say you're a healthcare provider. You're a working mom. You want to bring yourself out into the world.

He kind of puts it together in a very, very simplified format where you can start to bring your message and start to amplify that. I think that's very, very important. So it's the one that I just read, which is top of mind right now. 


Awesome. Second question. If you were on a desert island and you could only have three foods, what three foods would they be?

Dr. Kien:

The three foods would be. Grassfed steak. You know, I am a meat eater and I feel like grass fed steak has a lot of awesome nutrients. Just some really clean water is something that is going to be super important for me. And if I had to pick, I wish I could just take a garden with me because I just love colorful vegetables.

I could say vegetable medley. I would do that. 


I'll let that fly. Okay. Vegetable medley. And then third and last question, knowing what you know today, what advice would you give yourself from 10 years ago? 

Dr. Kien:

The only one I know today, I would, you know, make sure that that person knows that they are enough and that they're loved and to listen to the whisper of things when they don't feel right to you. And start to question that rather than kind of like full speed ahead, you know, dive into the stress, start to ask yourself when your body wants what your soul wants. Uh, detective steps moving in that direction. 


I love that. That's amazing.

And I think sometimes that people in the medical field struggle with listening to that inner whisper because it's very factual, very analytical, and it's being able to integrate that. So that, that was beautiful. Well, thank you so much. This has been amazing. I learned a lot, so thank you for taking the time to, uh, be with me today.

Dr. Kien:

It was great to be here. Thank you so much.


3 Pillars of Well-Being: 2 Minutes of Motivation


Live an Intentional Life: 2 Minutes of Motivation