Mia Rigden | Intuitive Eating to Support Your Mind & Body with a Nutritionist, Chef & the Author of Foodwise

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Nutrition is not a one size fits all approach!  Kristel Bauer sat down with board-certified nutritionist and trained chef Mia Rigden to talk about how you can figure out which foods support your personal health and well-being. Mia is the author of The Well Journal, with an upcoming book being released on January 3rd 2023, FOODWISE: A Fresh Approach to Nutrition with 100 Delicious Recipes.  Kristel and Mia chat about easy and fast meals to support your health, how to take on nutrition with a personalized and fun approach as well as ideas to support eating sustainably.  Mia also shares some great go to recipes & a challenge that she gives to her nutrition clients!  Tune in now! 

Key Takeaways from This Episode

  • How to address nutrition with a personalized approach

  • How to figure out what foods you should minimize and what foods you should be eating more of

  • How to empower yourself to feel your best

  • Sustainability in the food world

  • Some quick and easy meals

  • A look into Mia's book Foodwise

  • Insights into eating seafood

  • What Mia eats on a typical day

About Mia Rigden:

Mia Rigden is a board-certified nutritionist and trained chef with a private nutrition practice in Los Angeles, California. She is the author of The Well Journal, and works with clients globally through one-on-one nutrition coaching and her online courses.

FOODWISE: A Fresh Approach to Nutrition with 100 Delicious Recipes (S&S/Simon Element; January 3, 2023) by board-certified nutritionist and trained chef Mia Rigden. Through a varied collection of plant-forward recipes, Rigden instructs how to conquer cravings, reset your eating habits, and heal your relationship with food.

Website: https://miarigden.com/ 

Order Mia's Book Foodwise:


Instagram: @mia_rigden

About the Host of the Live Greatly podcast, Kristel Bauer:

Kristel, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people thrive personally and professionally. Kristel is a corporate wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Top Keynote Speaker, TEDx speaker & contributing writer for Entrepreneur. 

Kristel brings her expertise & extensive experience in Corporate Wellness, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Mindset, Resilience, Self-Care, and Stress Management to in-person and virtual events as Professional Keynote Speaker.  If you are looking for a female motivational speaker to inspire and empower your audience to reclaim their well-being, inner motivation and happiness, Kristel’s message will leave a lasting impression. Kristel would be happy to discuss partnering with you to make your next event one to remember! Speaking Topics can be tailored to fit the needs of your group.

To Book Kristel as a speaker for your next event, click here.

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To Watch Kristel Bauer's TEDx talk of Redefining Work/Life Balance in a COVID-19 World click here.

Disclaimer: The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician for any recommendations specific to you or for any questions regarding your specific health, your sleep patterns changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.  Always consult your physician before starting any supplements or new lifestyle programs. All information, views and statements shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and are not medical advice or treatment recommendations.  They have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration.  Opinions of guests are their own and Kristel Bauer & this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests.  Neither Kristel Bauer nor this podcast takes responsibility for possible health consequences of a person or persons following the information in this educational content.  Always consult your physician for recommendations specific to you.



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