Reframing Failure: 2 Minutes of Motivation



Listen into this episode to learn three things to help you shift your perspective about failure.

Listen to the episode with Kara Goldin

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • Positive qualities that failure can build

  • What is the most critical piece of success?

 Disclaimer: All of the information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and they are not medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or qualified health professional for any recommendations specific to you or for any questions regarding your specific health, your sleep patterns, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.

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Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people awaken to their ultimate potential.  She is a wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, Physician Assistant, & Reiki Master with the goal of empowering others to live their best lives!

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Episode Transcript

In today's episode of two minutes of motivation, I'm going to be talking with you about reframing your view of failure. I had a really incredible conversation this week with Kara Goldin. Kara is the founder and CEO of Hint, well known for their hint water. And she's also the author of the book on Undaunted overcoming doubts and doubters.

That conversation really got me thinking about the concept of failure. And I wanted to take some time with you today to go over three different things that you can do to shift your perspective.

And the first thing is viewing failure as a learning lesson. A lot of times, if you hear the word failure, you probably have a negative connotation associated with it.

I know that I used to. But here's the thing, failure is really part of this life experience of learning and growing. So if you're able to shift your perspective of failure to from a negative thing, to a positive, in the sense that you're learning and you're growing, and you're going to use the skills and lessons learned from that experience to launch you towards your goals. That's the first thing.

The second thing is it also helps you build resiliency. When you have perceived failures, that actually helps you go inward and build more strength and that's so incredibly important. It also can help you from not seeking validation outside of yourself. If you have something not go the way that you were hoping for, it really makes you go within and build that strength within yourself to be able to be resilient, given any circumstance.

The third thing is that failure is a key part of success. If you don't fail, you're not going to be able to have the great success that you're really hoping for. Because again, failure is a key part of success.

So I hope that this helps you shift your perspective of failure. So now when you hear that word or you think about it, you can see it in a more positive light.

So it empowers you, and that helps launch you towards your goals and your version of success.

So those three things again are: number one, failure is really a learning lesson, number two, it's helping you build resiliency and number three, it's a key part of success.

Until next time. This is Kristel Bauer with Live greatly inspiring you to awaken your ultimate potential.


Jimmy DeCicco | Entrepreneurial Mindset: Being the Expert of Your Craft From the Co-Founder of Super Coffee


Kara Goldin | Living Undaunted From the Founder of Hint Water