Pay Attention to What You Consume: 2 Minutes of Motivation



In this episode, Kristel empowers you to pay attention to what you consume on tv and social media, so you can make educated choices that support your well-being.

Listen to the episode with Naomi Shah

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • How fear-based news affect our nervous system

  • Strategies to become mindful of what you’re consuming

Disclaimer: All of the information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and they are not medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or qualified health professional for any recommendations specific to you or for any questions regarding your specific health, your sleep patterns, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.


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Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people awaken to their ultimate potential.  She is a wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, Physician Assistant, & Reiki Master with the goal of empowering others to live their best lives!

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Episode Transcript

I had a really great conversation this week with Naomi Shah and we chatted a lot about the power of connection and also how much I love romantic comedy is the lightheartedness of it. So that really inspired me to spend some time with you today on paying attention to what you're consuming. We are going to be talking about really navigating what you're taking in and really tailoring it to optimize your wellbeing.

You may or may not notice that when you're scrolling through your phone, uh, whatever content you're consuming via social media, whatever content you're consuming via TV movies, that all impacts your wellbeing, your emotional health, your mental health, some of the things that you are seeing during the day, some news headlines, et cetera.May stimulate a sense of fear.

Now, what can happen is that this is something that you're paying attention to. We are getting notifications all day on your phone with these fear-based headlines that actually can have a very significant impact on how you feel and on your nervous system, it can activate your fight or flight response. It can add to anxiety and fear.

Now it is definitely important to stay informed. So I'm not saying to never look at headlines or to not stay informed about what's going on around the world. But what I really want to empower you to do is to pay attention to how these things impact you and then make educated choices that actually are supportive of your wellbeing.

So taking a bit of a fast from social media and news for a period of the day can really be beneficial so that you can tell how you feel without it. And then how you feel with it.

A great place to start with this is to make sure that you're not checking your phone first thing in the morning. If you get out of bed and you grab your phone and you see all these different headlines going on around the world, that is not going to be a great way to start the day to be grounded in your own state of inner peace and your own ideas and motivations for the day.

So instead. Leave the phone aside, don't start scrolling, don't start checking those things and take time for yourself. And then throughout the day, make a commitment to avoid checking those headlines for a certain period of time and just really tailor it to whatever fits your, your unique needs. But the main goal here is to pay attention to what you're consuming and recognizing that the content you're consuming does have an impact on you on your wellbeing, on how you feel.

I hope that this helps you. And until next time, this is Kristel Bauer with Live greatly inspiring you to awaken your ultimate potential.


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Naomi Shah | Keeping Your Mental Health on Track When Your Career is in Hyperdrive | Founder of Meet Cute