Breathing Exercises to De-Stress: 2 Minutes of Motivation



Your breath is a powerful tool you can use to calm yourself down during stressful situations. In today's episode, Kristel shares 3 great breathing techniques that will help you feel focused, energized, and amazing.

Listen to the episode with Jacqueline Andriakos:

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

  • Square breathing

  • The 4-7-8 breath

 Disclaimer: All of the information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and they are not medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or qualified health professional for any recommendations specific to you or for any questions regarding your specific health, your sleep patterns, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.

If you are struggling with feeling overworked or overwhelmed, access the Top 10 Stress Management Tips for the Overworked free right now. 

Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people awaken to their ultimate potential.  She is a wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, Physician Assistant, & Reiki Master with the goal of empowering others to live their best lives!

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Episode Transcript:

I had a really great conversation this week with Jacqueline Andriakos, the director of Health and Fitness at Women's Health magazine. And that inspired me to spend a little time with you today for two minutes and motivation to talk about breathing techniques. I'm going to give you three different breathing techniques to help manage stress, to rebalance your nervous system and to support you during those hectic days, or just if you want to be feeling better overall in your life.

So the first breathing exercise is something that I use all the time and it's diaphragmatic breathing. This is belly breathing. And a lot of times when you're nervous or uncomfortable or stressed out, you may find that you clench your muscles and you may even hold your breath. That's something that I do personally.

So if you relax your muscles and intentionally breathe from your belly. That is a wonderful way to relieve stress. You can do it anytime. It doesn't matter if you're having a conversation with somebody they won't even know. So this is definitely one to put in your tool bag.

The second breathing exercise is called square breathing. This is a breathing exercise where you're going to inhale and hold, exhale and hold for an equal amount of times, you're making a square. So the way you do it, as you exhale the air out, then you breathe in for four seconds through your nose, hold for four seconds, breathe out through your mouth for four seconds and then hold for four seconds.

So that is called square breathing. And typically people do that four times. And that's great for stress reduction.

The third breathing exercise is one Dr. Andrew Weil taught me during my integrative medicine fellowship. It's called a 4, 7, 8 breath. The 4, 7, 8 breath is basically you breathe everything out.Then you're going to be breathing in for four seconds through your nose. You're going to hold your breath for seven seconds and breathe out of your mouth for eight seconds. Making a whooshing sound. That's the 4, 7, 8 breath.

So play around with those, try them out. See what works, see what resonates, but definitely recognize that your breath is a powerful tool it is always with you, use it and pay attention to your breath.

And that is a wonderful way to support you during times of stress and to help keep you focused, keep you energized and keep you feeling amazing.

So have a fantastic day. And until next time, this is Kristel Bauer  with Live Greatly inspiring you to awaken your ultimate potential.


Dr. David Rabin | How To Manage Stress From A Psychiatrist and Neuroscientist


Jacqueline Andriakos | All Things Women’s Health