3 Ways to Support a Healthy Gut: 2 Minutes of Motivation

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Keeping a balanced microbiome is critical to have physical and mental health. Check out this episode and learn three things you can do, starting today, to improve your gut health.

Listen to the episode with Dr. Marvin Singh

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • Is more fiber good for you?

  • How stress can affect your health

 Disclaimer: All of the information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and they are not medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or qualified health professional for any recommendations specific to you or for any questions regarding your specific health, your sleep patterns, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.

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Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people awaken to their ultimate potential.  She is a wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, Physician Assistant, & Reiki Master with the goal of empowering others to live their best lives!

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Episode Transcript

In today's episode of two minutes motivation. I'm going to be talking to you about three things that you can do to support a healthy gut microbiome. I had an incredible conversation with Dr. Marvin Singh this week. He's an integrative gastroenterologist, and we talked about improving gut health among other things.

So if you haven't checked out that episode, I highly recommend you do. Gut health is so important for your physical health and for your mental health. So I really wanted to take a little time today to talk about three things that you can do starting today to improve your gut microbiome.

The first thing is to increase your fiber. Sounds really simple, but it can have a very powerful impact. High fiber foods are things like beans to look at eating more lentils, more kidney beans, more black beans. Play around with it. There are so many options and see what resonates with you and your body also incorporating things like raspberries and avocado and pears and apples. Those are all things that are higher in fiber, whole grains and oats. So you have a lot of options, but definitely try and incorporate more high fiber foods into your diet.

The second thing is to drink more water, staying hydrated is incredibly important and it also can help support a healthy body and healthy mind. So make sure that you're drinking enough water.

The third thing is to manage your stress. Having stress is a natural thing. We all have it, but you need to be able to manage it and to minimize your stress and to help your nervous system come back into balance. So having healthy stress management techniques, doing things like meditation, mindfulness, breathing, techniques, movement, all of that can help manage and reduce your stress.

So those are the three things that I wanted to share with you today. Increase your fiber, drink a lot of water and manage your stress. I hope that this helps you. And until next time, this is Kristel Bauer with Live Greatly inspiring you to awaken your ultimate potential.


Kara Goldin | Living Undaunted From the Founder of Hint Water


Dr. Marvin Singh | Nutrition, Microbiome and Gut Health