3 Ways to Feel Confident in High-Pressure Situations: 2 Minutes of Motivation

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Do you want to improve your ability to deal with high-stress, high-pressure, and high-stake circumstances? Here are practical tips to get out of your comfort zone to seize the opportunity and successfully pull through it confidently. Check out this episode!

Listen to the episode with Katrin Beierl

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • How preparedness impacts confidence

  • What to focus on in high-pressure scenarios

  • Best advice to take you out of your comfort zone


Disclaimer: All information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and are not intended to provide medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professionals when you have any questions regarding your specific health, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.


About National Sleep Foundation

This podcast episode is sponsored by National Sleep Foundation. Founded in 1990, the National Sleep Foundation is committed to advancing excellence in sleep health theory, research, and practice. Its mission is dedicated to improving health and well-being through sleep education and advocacy.

Connect with National Sleep Foundation


Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people thrive personally and professionally. She is a corporate wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, TEDx speaker & contributing writer for Entrepreneur.

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To Book Kristel as a speaker for your next event, click here.

Episode Transcript

Sponsor (NSF)

I'm excited to share more of this conversation with you, but first, a quick word about our sponsor. This podcast episode is brought to you in collaboration with the national sleep foundation.

It's time to be your best slept self. The national sleep foundation advances, sleep health and wellbeing through education and advocacy. They've been studying and reporting on sleep for over 30 years. Sleep awareness week in 2022 is March 13th through the 19th and every year, NSF takes this time to reemphasize the important connection between your sleep and your health.

This year, they are helping you become your best slept self. Today many Americans are not getting the sleep that they need to live their healthiest lives, the national sleep foundation's annual sleep in America poll indicates that good sleep is within everyone's reach. The 2022 poll show sleep is a process that starts long before bedtime and is influenced by key daytime activities, including light exposure, meal regularity, stress and physical activity. 

Learn more@www.nsf.org. Make sure to follow at sleep foundation on Instagram, to learn more about the #bestsleptself giveaway for a bedroom makeover.

Episode Recording

In today's episode of two minutes of motivation. I'm going to be sharing with you three ways to feel more competent in high pressure situations.

I chatted this week with Katrin Beierl on the show and she's an Olympian. So she's been in very high pressure situations and she shared some really great insights. So if you haven't checked that out, I highly recommend you do. The first thing I want to talk about is preparation. The more prepared you feel, the more confident you're going to feel.

So if you have something coming up that's high stakes or that you're nervous about or stress about. Put in the time and the effort to feel prepared, to make sure you understand the content and that automatically is going to make you feel better when you show up for that big event or whatever it is you have coming up.

The second thing is to remember your mission. So keep out of your head a little bit. Sometimes if you have a big event or presentation or whatever it may be, you can focus a lot on how other people are going to be feeling about you or whether or not you're going to be judged or whether or not you're going to make a mistake. All those fears can creep in, but if you're able to get out of your head space about that and focus more on the mission and the value that you're bringing to others, that is a really great way to boost confidence. When you remember what it's all really about, you come back to your personal mission. 

The third tip is to make sure that you're practicing whatever it is you need to accomplish or do In situations that maybe a little bit uncomfortable. So for example, if you're about to give a big talk, you could practice looking at yourself in the mirror, or you could practice giving it to maybe a family member that will give you feedback on it. So put yourself in situations where you're going to feel a little uncomfortable, because then when the actual event occurs, it's going to take the pressure off and that's going to help boost your confidence.

So the three tips again are number one, prepare. Number two is remember your mission and number three, practice in situations that are going to take you outside of your comfort zone. 

I hope that this helps until next time, this is Kristel Bauer with Live Greatly, inspiring you to awaken your ultimate potential.

Now for a quick disclaimer, all of the information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors. They are not medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or qualified health professional for any recommendations specific to you or for any questions you have regarding your specific health, your sleep patterns, changes to diet and exercise or any medical conditions.


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