3 Self-Care Practices to Help You Feel Empowered: 2 Minutes of Motivation

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Join us as today’s episode will inspire you to start giving yourself credit, listing down approachable goals, and appreciating time for yourself. Don’t miss out!

Listen to the episode with Tony Morrison

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • The things that you need to focus on to empower yourself

  • How can you regain control over your happiness and your life?

  • Practical tips to help you pamper yourself

Disclaimer: All information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and are not intended to provide medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional when you have any questions regarding your specific health, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.


Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people thrive personally and professionally. She is a corporate wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Keynote Speaker, TEDx speaker & Physician Assistant experienced in Integrative Psychiatry and Functional Medicine. 

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Episode Transcript

In today's episode of two minutes of motivation, I'm going to be sharing three self-care practices to help you feel empowered. I chatted with Tony Morrison this week who's a producer for Good morning America and Tony shared the challenges that he's had to overcome and the insights he's learned along the way.

And that got me thinking about how self care can really help us develop a healthier relationship with ourselves. 

So the first thing that I want to share is how focusing on the things that you're proud of yourself for can be so empowering. So often we focus on the mistakes on the perceived failures and on the setbacks, and we don't give ourselves enough credit.

So I would love for you to take a moment to write down and think about three things that you are really proud of yourself for.

The second thing is to make approachable goals for yourself to slightly get yourself out of your comfort zone and then take a step in that direction. What this does is, it helps you regain control over your happiness and over your life.

The third thing is to take time out for yourself, to pamper yourself a little bit, give yourself permission to do things that make you feel good. And that could look like a lot of different things. Maybe it's going for a walk outside or taking time to meditate, getting a massage or taking a bath. 

One thing that I've been really enjoying is using Vegamour’s products and Vegamour is the sponsor for this show.And they have some really amazing hair products that smell amazing. So that's like a spa experience for me when I use those in the evening. 

So take something that is simple and make sure that you incorporate that into your day to make yourself feel good. It also could be something as simple as picking your favorite color to wear that day.

So again, these three things are number one, Focused on the things that you are proud of yourself for. Number two, set some approachable goals to get you out of your comfort zone, to help you reclaim control. And number three, take some time out to pamper yourself. I hope that this helps you. And until next time, this is Kristel Bauer with Live Greatly inspiring you to awaken your ultimate potential.


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