3 Empowering Ways to Start Moving in the Direction of Living Your Best Life: 2 Minutes of Motivation

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What are you waiting for?! In this 2 minutes of motivation Live Greatly podcast episode Kristel Bauer shares 3 empowering ways to start heading in the direction of living your best life!  Tune in now!

Listen to the episode with Lisa Bilyeu

Key Takeaways From This Episode

  • The importance of having empowering self talk

  • Getting comfortable with the idea of failure which is part of learning and personal development

  • The importance of taking action

Disclaimer: All information and views shared on the Live Greatly podcast are purely the opinions of the authors, and are not intended to provide medical advice or treatment recommendations. The contents of this podcast are intended for informational and educational purposes only. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professionals when you have any questions regarding your specific health, changes to diet and exercise, or any medical conditions.

Kristel Bauer, the Founder of Live Greatly, is on a mission to help people thrive personally and professionally. Kristel is a corporate wellness expert, Integrative Medicine Fellow, Top Keynote Speaker, TEDx speaker & contributing writer for Entrepreneur.

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To Watch Kristel Bauer's TEDx talk of Redefining Work/Life Balance in a COVID-19 World Click here.


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